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Unplug to Stop


When a vehicle with an active charging session is unplugged, the session is automatically stopped and a commit for the final amount is sent.

There is no cardholder <> Payter terminal interaction in this process.


The Charge Controller must be able to detect when a vehicle is unplugged, and identify which charger or plug. The Charge Controller must be aware of the sessionId for that specific plug or session.

Step by Step Process

  1. Driver unplugs their vehicle

  2. Charge Controller stops the charging session and calculates the final amount

  3. Final amount is sent to Payter terminal as a commit, containing the correct sessionId provided in the Authorize response

  4. The Payter terminal UI (optional) or charger UI displays the final session amount and provides a receipt.


Unplug to Stop

The same flow above would be used where the charge session otherwise stops unexpectedly e.g. system or power problem, emergency shutoff.

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