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Introduction to Integration

Whilst Payter devices can be used in a more standalone fashion under some specific circumstances (see Autoscan & Pulse), Payter’s range of Unattended / Self-Service Payment Processing solutions are normally operated through integration with a host-system or device, such as a hardware-based Vending Machine Controller, a software solution on a Ticketing Kiosk, or a cloud based service such as an Electric Vehicle Charge Station Management System.

The Integration Process Flow describes the typical journey a Payter Integrator should expect to follow when engaging with Payter solutions for the first time. Payter’s Product Delivery & Implementation team will provide extensive guidance, support and ultimately testing of a developers integration efforts to ensure a mutually agreeable, positive outcome for all parties including end-user cardholders, in compliance with all applicable regulation and best-practice guidelines.

There are several Integration Approaches to consider, available to cater for different types of host technology, integrator preferences, or Industry Use Cases.

The detailed Integration Specifications can then be reviewed and used as a reference throughout any integration project.

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