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Payter Transaction Host / CUG Host Specification

CUG stands for Closed User Group, and the CUG host is used to process payments for proprietary cards. Configuring a CUG host is necessary when enabling CUG flows on the terminal. You can set up your own CUG service to process proprietary cards.

Configuring the CUG host involves multiple advanced settings in MyPayter. In this page, we will begin by explaining the CUG flows and then outline the settings necessary to set up your terminal for CUG cards.

What are the CUG flows

CUG is the usage of a proprietary card, for example a student card. CUG usually consists of two separate options that can be combined. The first one is a balance inquiry. A balance inquiry receives the amount of value they have available on their card for purchase. This can be enforced, or users can have the option to cancel this and continue with a regular payment. Besides, the balance request also allows a user to get “custom” prices or a discount. For example, a professor at a university might have discount while a student needs to pay full price.

After the balance request, the user selects a product on the vending machine. Then, the user will actually pay. If autopay is used, the item price will be automatically deducted from their card balance. The item will be dispensed and the value is deducted. There is no payment screen.

With split pay, the user can choose to pay with their cug card or with their emv card after the balance request. For example, someone could use their cug card to get a discount (e.g. university professor at coffee machine), but then use their EMV card to do the payment if they don’t have any balance on their card.

EMVpay only is quite straight forward, it means that they must pay via EMV card.

The last option is priceline emulation. This is used for vending machines that run on MDB level 1. These machines do not support pricelines (changing item prices based on card information). The pricelines are emulated by simply giving a discount during the payment process. The difference here is subtle: in normal priceline situation, the VMC is responsible for providing the discount. With priceline emulation, the VMC sends the normal price to the apollo, and the apollo simply starts a transaction with a lower/discounted amount.

This leads to a combination of the following:

  • CUG disabled

  • CUG enabled, all payment options with an optional (aka not enforced) balance inquiry (option 1-4)

  • CUG enabled, all payment options where balance inquiry is enforced and cannot be canceled (option 5-8)

Settings in hap-engine

In the hap-engine tab, the use of the Payter transaction host has to be turned on. If the hap-engine tab is not showing, it can be added manually. This can be done by clicking the '+' icon next to the tabs and add it yourself. And set enable-payter-transaction-host to true.

MyPayter Setting

expected values


true or false

Settings in hap-host-payter

In the hap-host-payter tab, the CUG host can be configured. If the hap-host-payter tab is not showing, it can be added manually. This can be done by clicking the '+' icon next to the tabs.

MyPayter Setting

expected values


Host base address to CUG server, example:


Local url with remote endpoint. Always starts with

For example


the POS ID


the protocol version


reference to send for employee data


reference to send for merchant data

Setting in platform-manager

In the platform-manager, the proxy can be configured. The proxy allows for a PCI certified secure connection. The index in the table starts at 0 for the first proxy.

MyPayter setting





unique name of the proxy on terminal



target host, e.g.



port number, defaults to 443



crypto domain to use for proxy, e.g. payter.production.tls.<fingerprint>



max number of connections to use for proxy, defaults to 5



enforce client side certificate checking for this connection, defaults to false



common name used in certificate

Settings in nexo-terminal-config

In the nexo-terminal-config tab, specific payment methodes can be enabled or disabled. For example accepting Mifare cards, HID Reader or Proprietary magstripe support.

MyPayter setting



true or false, used to allow the use of closed loop magstripe cards


3003020100, enables the HID external reader.


true or false, used to enable a button in the payment screen that opens the camera and allows for QR codes to be read.

Settings in crypto

In the crypto tab, your used tls certificates can be imported into the terminal. At the time of writing adding your certificate is a manual step performed by us. Please contact us at to set this up.

MyPayter setting



Crypto domain to add for the proxy, e.g. payter.production.tls.<fingerprint>

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