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Apollo Family Release Notes

Release notes for the Apollo, Apollo MAX, and Apollo Polar terminals.

Apollo Family Releases

The Payter Apollo family of devices are operated by a collection of several smaller applications/components and an Operating System (OS), typically packaged together as a ‘Build’.

Releases (and associated release notes) are therefore grouped into build packages, and then detailed the new versions of each application/component allocated for each build. Enhancements & Issue Resolutions for each individual component in that build are then defined in detail providing the reason for each change.

The following components are included in each Build, though not every application/component will necessarily be changed from one build to the next:



Operating System (OS)

Also known as the Platform or Firmware, the operating system of the Apollo terminal.

Apollo UI

The application that controls the User Interface of Apollo.


Payment Application, Secure Payment Processor and Key & Encryption handling.

Host Adapter

Interface with the specific Gateway, Host or Acquirer interface. Includes the Engine, and the specific application for each Gateway.


The underlying configuration options that control or enable the various other applications.


Specific selected Application interface. Variants include:

Scap-psp - Payter Session Protocol (PSP): Local Integration interface

Scap-autoscan - Autoscan interface

Scap-mdb - Multi-Drop Bus interface

The Cloud Payment Service (CPS) does not have a SCAP, as it is in the cloud. Release notes for CPS are available here.

Apollo Stack - Frame 1.jpg

Release Note Format

In September 2024 we amended our Build notation from yyyymmdd to yyddd. In this new notation, ddd is the day number of the year, a 3 digit representation of the date. For example;

31/12/24 = 366
01/01/24 = 001
29/02/24 = 060

Release Notes Available


Date Published

Build 25037


Build 24248


Build 20240724


Build 20240614


Build 20240517


Build 20240408


Build 20240301 (Consolidated)


Build 20230831


Build 20230705


Build 20230601 (Consolidated)


As of mid-2024, historical release notes are being converted to this online format. Anyone requiring release notes that are not yet available in this format should contact us.

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