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Integration Approach

Cloud or Local

EV Charger Controllers need a detailed level of integration so that they can exchange complex data with the Payter payment terminal. Payter provide two options for this integration:

Below, we detail each approach or method, and provide a list of Pro’s and Con’s for each approach.

Whilst the message names and minor functional aspects vary, the same basic flow detailed in EV Use Cases is still the same.

Local Integration - Payter Session Protocol (PSP)

  • A connection to the terminal is physically established, inside the Charging Unit in which the Payter terminal is installed.

  • The connection is via Serial cable or LAN (Apollo only) and is constantly maintained.



  • Reduced points of failure.

  • The charger controller is always aware of the status of the terminal.

  • Fast and responsive.

  • Complex integration language, which can increase develop cost.

  • Loss of connection requires physical attendance.

  • LAN connections needs actively maintained.

Cloud Payment Service (CPS)

  • The terminal, either via charger infrastructure or it’s own SIM, maintains a connection to the Payer Cloud Payment Service server.

  • The CPS server acts as a proxy, sending messages to the terminal directly, and providing detailed responses to the charger controller either directly or via a callback.



  • Simple, readable integration using RESTful JSON commands.

  • No requirement for physical connection, so ideal for cloud-based Charger Controllers.

  • Can accept interaction from more than one source.

  • 100% reliant on terminal having communication capability.

  • Requires callbacks/webhooks to be effective and scalable.

  • Requires authentication key.

Payter Implementation specialists are available to discuss your requirements and make recommendations on either approach, should you wish to talk the options through.

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