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Things to Consider

In addition to the provided Use Cases, there are a few key things to consider when accepting card payments as a Charge Point Operator. These are summarised below and detailed in a linked, dedicated page for each.

Things to Consider


EV Receipts

Guidance on how to provide receipts to drivers, following a completed charge session.

Setting the Authorization Amount

Some best practice on ensuring that payment is taken for all dispensed goods.

Integration Approach

The Pro’s and Con’s of a local or cloud integration.

Session Management

The importance of ensuring sessions are closed in a timely fashion.

Pre-Session Checklist

Everything required before starting a charge session.

Post-Session Checklist

Everything that needs to be finalised when charging is completed.

Idle Fees

When a vehicle is parked in a charging bay but has completed charging, idle fees can encourage the bay to be released.

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