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Pre-Session Checklist

To help integrators get the most from Payter payment terminals, we've put together a set of easy-to-follow recommendations. These cover everything from managing transactions and user interactions to making sure the system is reliable, user-friendly, and customer focused.



Webhook Response Optimization

(CPS only)

Configure webhook listeners to effectively manage terminal state changes, ensuring the system can adapt to and report "offline" and "online" statuses accurately, facilitating quick resolution of state-related issues.


When an RFID is tapped, then the charge controller system should implement a feedback mechanism to allow or reject the RFID.

Error and State Management

Develop comprehensive mechanism for handling Charge station errors or outages, e.g., "Charger offline", "Not mapped", "Not registered". Ensure drivers are well informed if any session fails to start.

Transaction Management and Handling

Initiate transactions with the "start" command, transitioning the terminal to a ready state for card reading. Upon card detection, quickly proceed with the "authorize" command.

Ensure every transaction is either committed or cancelled to quickly update cardholder funds. Use the "commit" command for successful transactions or "cancel" for aborted sessions.


Establish a logical retry protocol for handling failed transactions, balancing the need for transaction completion with system integrity. Suggested retry intervals include immediate retries (every minute for the first 5 attempts), followed by less frequent retries (every hour for 24 hours, then daily for up to 7 days). Cease retries upon receiving definitive response codes (HTTP 200, 409).

User Interaction and Feedback

Clearly instruct users on the terminal's operation during each transaction phase. Provide immediate and intuitive feedback on the transaction status, employing both visual cues and textual messages to guide users through successful, pending, or failed transactions.

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